Formula for success

We help you create new food business from raw materials to products and from ideas to the markets.

Conceptualise a product idea

We take inspiration from new ideas, kickstarting development of something new.

We conceptualise development ideas with the consumer at the centre. We know the trends, how to run conceptualisation workshops and how to find funding for products in developmental stages. The end result is the concept and guiding principle of a successful product, and all the while we map out any possible risks.

Know the consumer and the market

Right from the get-go, we develop products with the customer at the centre.

Our studies provide you with insight into appropriate target groups and consumer preferences. We tailor the studies based on your needs, which helps build product development on solid ground and minimises investment risks. We will conduct, for example, concept studies, product tests, and packaging studies with you. The consumer may also be brought into the product development.

Develop a product

Products are developed and tested with the end customer, production and sales in mind.

Our product development services include conceptualisation and information retrieval, recipe development, sensory evaluation and shelf tests. We will help hone and polish products to a degree where the end user is satisfied and the requirements for production and sales are met.

Manufacture a product

A factory for many needs

At the production facility in Seinäjoki, food manufacturers can try out product manufacturing and packaging in a genuine industrial environment. The production facility is the perfect size for many needs: small enough for small-scale testing but large enough for industrial-scale production.

You have a finished product, now what?

Having a product is not enough. You also need a story that inspires interest, tempting packaging and appropriate package labelling.

We will help you define the product’s story and brand, plan packaging design and marketing communications and perform a post-launch brand analysis. The production process, the product itself and the product family will be continuously developed post-launch, too.

Polish your idea to perfection

We will help you, whether your idea is in its initial stages or nearing completion. We will be glad to hear your thoughts and help you turn your idea into a successful product on store shelves.

Shall we get to work?

We are ready for new ideas and challenges.

Contact request

Send us an offer or contact request using this form, and we will contact you as soon as possible. You can also contact our experts directly, by either phone or email. Their contact information can be found from the link above.

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